
安德烈.卡托奇(Andrea Catozzi),法國知名的運動藝術家、演員及影片製作人。他無師自通,卻優雅巧妙地融合城市雜技與舞蹈,創造出迷人的表演。


卡托奇在劇場、街頭表演,也在電影、電視中獻藝。2012年在「法國達人秀」(La France a un Incroyable Talent)中獨舞,也在世界最大型卡巴萊舞台秀「踢踏工廠」(Tap Factory)中擔綱演出。除了表演活動,也開班授課,提供動作方面的訓練。卡托奇認為,藉由行動傳遞訊息,就是藝術的本質。他深信無論如何,持續前進,行動帶來更多的行動,是一切的根本。


Andrea Catozzi

Andrea Catozzi is a famous French movement artist, actor and filmmaker. Self-taught, he gracefully combines urban acrobatics with dance, creating mesmerizing performances.

At 17 years old, Andrea Catozzi joined a contemporary hip hop dance company, and over the next few years developed his own unique style inspired by Capoeira, combining his acrobatic skills with dance, to create distinctive performances. Andrea Catozzi’s elegant yet powerful choreography, combining the skills of Parkour, requires as much athleticism and energy as it does creativity and feeling. In the process of advancing his skill, as well as for heavy use of the body, he realized that a vegan lifestyle is the best choice after consideration and practice.

He has performed both in theatre productions and on the city streets, as well as for film and television. In 2012 he performed solo dance on France’s Got Talent, and also performed in Tap Factory, the largest cabaret show of the world. In addition to performing, Catozzi also offers workshops that train people to move in a secure way. He is of the opinion that communicating through movement is the very essence of art. No matter what; just keep moving. Movement brings about more movement, which Andrea Catozzi is convinced is the basis of everything.

