金姝沅,1977年出生於釜山,擔任韓國國家芭蕾舞團(KNB)首席舞者15年(1998~2013),畢業於莫斯科最著名的 Bolshoi芭蕾舞學院。積極參與音樂劇、電視節目,以及與各種藝術類型合作演出,為韓國舞蹈界創立一個新的舞者里程碑。
不論是扮演純真的 Giselle,或嫵媚且野心勃勃的 Aegina,金姝沅都能將自己完美化身為各種角色。2002年日本巡演,當地專家與新聞媒體齊聲讚美「她是一名真正的女演員」、「她是一位才華與美麗兼具的韓國明星。」2014年與同團的金智榮(Kim Ji-Young)在義大利歌劇院合作演出,劇中她優秀演出探戈舞、弗拉門戈舞、芭蕾舞和當代舞蹈,深受觀眾之喜愛。
金姝沅曾獲2001年韓國舞蹈協會新秀獎、2001年莫斯科國際芭蕾舞比賽銅牌獎、2002年韓國舞蹈協會 Prima Ballerina 獎、2006年 Benois de la Danse 最佳女舞者獎,並成為其評審。2010年獲第四屆音樂獎的新秀獎,並擔任電視節目【與星共舞】陪審員。
Kim Joo-Won
Kim Joo-Won was born in Pusan, Korea, 1977. She was a leading dancer at the Korean National Ballet (KNB) for 15 years, between 1998 and 2013. She is a graduate of the worlds’ most prestigious ballet school, the Bolshoi of Moscow, Russia. From her participation in musicals, TV shows and a variety of performances with other artists, she has become the foremost star of the dance world in Korea.
Either playing the naive Giselle or the charming Aegina, Kim Joo-Won can perfectly act in many different roles. When in Japan to perform in 2002, local newspapers said, “She is the real actress.” “She is a talented and beautiful Korean star.” She also performed with KNB dancer, Kim Ji-Young, in Italian Opera, where they performed Tango, Flamingo, ballet and modern dance with great success.
She won a “New Talent Award” from the Korean Dance Association in 2001, Third Place Award at the Moscow National Ballet Competition in 2001, the “Prima Balleina Award” from the Korean Dance Association in 2002, and the “The Excellent Female Dancer Award” of Benois de la Danse in 2006, an event she would eventually judge. She also won the “New Talent Award” at the fourth musical award in 2010, and went on to become a judge on the TV show, “Dancing with Stars”.