

“April 3rd, International Artist Day ~ A day of celebration and appreciation. A day of love and honor in the names of all the wonderful artists, poets, writers, painters, actors, actresses, singers, musicians, composers, film and theater directors, choreographers, entertainers etc., in every field, who lighten up our lives and soothe our hearts with their artistic talents. With deep appreciation and praise to all the unique and gifted artists who bring so much joy, happiness, peace and harmony into our world. May Heavens bless you all in your continuous joyful, and noble work. We love you.” ~Supreme Master Ching Hai, January 16, 2018  「四月三日國際藝術家日,一個慶賀與感恩的日子,一個充滿愛與榮耀的日子,以此感佩所有美好的藝術家、詩人、作家、畫家、男女演員、歌星、音樂家、作曲家、影劇導演、編舞家、藝人等各界英才雅士,以其藝術才華點亮我們的生活,撫慰我們心靈。深深感謝並讚嘆,所有天賦異稟的藝術家,為世界帶來這麼多喜樂與祥和。願上天賜福大家繼續歡喜而高雅的工作。我們愛您們。」   						─清海無上師講於二O一八年一月十六日  “The artists are the ones who bring a lot of mental and physical comfort, a lot of happiness and joy, to the people in this world. This International Artist Day, I hope the whole world will recognize, the whole world will celebrate, celebrate big, like other holidays. In order to honor the artists, so that the departed artists, their souls feel light on the other side, and the living artists even though they must face hardships to bring happiness to others, they still feel satisfied, and happy somewhat.”  Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai during “Unification Through Heavenly Melody” videoconference with Aulacese (Vietnamese) artists on Jan 20, 2018. 「藝術家為世人帶來莫大的身心安慰,帶來無比幸福喜樂,我希望全世界都能認同這個國際藝術家節,全世界都來大舉慶祝,就像慶祝其他節日般。為了向藝術家致敬,我們告慰已故藝術家在天之靈,讓在世的藝術家即使必須面對艱苦以帶給他人歡樂,依然能感到幾分滿足快樂。」  ─清海無上師於二O一八年一月廿日在「天籟之音‧團結一心」與悠樂藝術家視訊會議的開示