

Supreme Master Ching Hai, a world-renowned spiritual Master, humanitarian, bestselling author and talented artist. She has created an amazing variety of spiritually-inspired and exquisite art works such as lamps, jewelry, paintings, fashion designs, songs, poetry and more. She selflessly devotes her time, finances, and energy to unconditionally assist beings in need, and to remind us of our inner goodness and encourage reverence for all of God’s beauty. As a true guardian of our planet, she promotes the urgency of global warming, and emphasizes the all-encompassing solution, which is a vegan lifestyle. In recognition of Her selfless contributions, government representatives and organizations worldwide have honored Supreme Master Ching Hai with prestigious awards on numerous occasions. Among these were the Gusi Peace Prize (2006), the World Spiritual Leadership Award (1994), and the World Citizen Humanitarian Award (1994). 清海無上師是一位世界知名的靈性導師、人道主義者、暢銷書作家暨才華洋溢的藝術家。她創作出多種令人驚嘆、激發靈性而精美的藝術作品,舉凡燈飾、珠寶、繪畫、服裝設計、歌曲、詩歌等。她無私奉獻她的時間、財力和精神,無條件幫助有困厄的眾生,並提醒我們內在的良善,激勵我們對上帝至美的崇敬。作為地球真正的守護者,她積極宣傳地球暖化的急迫,並強調全面性的解決辦法,就是純素的生活方式。世界各國政府官方和私人組織為表揚她的無我奉獻,頒發給她許多獎項,其中包括「顧氏和平獎」(二OO六年)、「世界精神領袖獎」(一九九四年),以及「世界公民人道獎」(一九九四年)。